
Tales of social entropy.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Mall Dress Codes

This just in from a city that won't allow Mapelthorpe exhibits or Madonna, but allows a annual Christmastime demonstrations by the KKK.

Thanks to
Boing Boing

Rumor has it that they're also working on a Pearl Harbor candy bar and a holocaust play-action set. If you can't read the inscription on the base, it says "0911" (just in case you had any doubts about their intentions).
Posted by Hello

Toy In Candy Bag Appears To Depict 9/11 Attack

Rumor has it that they're also working on a Pearl Harbor candy bar.

Man Lay Dead in Bed for Two Years

There seems to be quite the run on "News of the Dead" this week. Here's another charming little story from our friends from north of the border.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Now THIS Is What the Internet Was Invented For - #1721

Type in your lyric, hear some famous singers belt out your words.

German Government to Auction Off Nazi Holiday Camp

Nothing says "relaxing vacation" quite like a Nazi resort. Watch out, Club Med!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Animals Used As Assault Weapons

First, it was assult with an alligator...now this. I'm waiting for the genius who decides to brandish a rabid monkey.

Dead Teenager Kept in Home 36 Years

I'll bet that glass case was a real conversation piece for their cocktail parties.

Guest: So, that's your son, huh?

Father: Yup

Guest: What year did you say he died?

Father: 1968

Guest: Can I get a picture with him?

Corpse to Be Buried After Fails to Rise

I wonder if there was a money-back guarantee on that resurrecttion prophecy?

Hot Saucing Your Kids

This begs the obvious question: which "Facts of Life" character would you most like to be hot sauced by?