Porking the Pig
This is pretty much exactly what I thought someone who would violate a pig would look like.
The Smoking Gun
Tales of social entropy.
This is pretty much exactly what I thought someone who would violate a pig would look like.
Nothing says "fun" quite like being paged upon the death of a celebrity. Look for Cingular, Sprint, and others to offer this service soon.
I wonder if they also have nipples, like American mannequins?
This goes oh so much farther than your usual "Dog Bites Man" headline. Thankfully, this story doesn'y incclude a photo.
This is normally where I would write either an extremely bad pun or some other smart-assed comment. However, in this case, I think the following quote from this story says it all: "Alcohol is believed to be a contributing factor."
I never tire of a good story involving monkeys. Now if we could just teach them to "strike a Lynndie"