
Tales of social entropy.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Tech Trend: Combining Cell Phones With Vibrators

Wired has posted a nice story about a number of companies who are combining two hot technologies: cell phones and vibrators. Now that they've crossed this threshold in their quest to make the ultimate "all in one" device, I guess electric can opener is next.

I'm pretty sure that women just took another giant leap forward in their quest to totally eliminate the need for men.

Link to Wired

Murderous Gay Canibals!

It's bad enought to read a story about a drug-induced gay lover murder turn into an excercise in canibalism. Then they had to go and throw in thye face that it the guy ate the body over a three day period. I wonder how many days a body stays fresh in properly sealed Tupperwear?

It's also nice to see that the police were tipped off with a report of a "person eating a person." I'll bet that there was some serious "rock-paper-scissors" competition to see who had to respond to that call.

Link to Reuters